Collectible Action Figurine Miss Croft, échelle 1/6. Par SWTOYS.
Contenu :
- Battle-damaged female head sculpture: 1 piece
- Pendant: 1 piece
- White vest: 1 piece
- Distressed gray vest: 1 piece
- Distressed trousers: 1 pair
- Aged arm bandage: 1 piece
- Aged thigh bandage: 1 piece
- Belt with gun pouch: 1 pair
- Shoulder strap: 1 piece
- Longbow: 1 pair
- Arrows: 5
- Flame (small): 1 piece
- Antiquated quiver: 1 pair
- Torch: 1
- Flame (large): 1 piece
- Mountaineering pickaxe: 2
- Rifle (with grenade launcher): 1
- Rifle magazine: 2 pairs
- Shotgun: 1
- Shotgun magazine: 1 pair
- Pistol: 1
- Extended pistol magazine: 1 pair
- Walkie-talkie: 1 pair
- Old-fashioned ordinary hands: 1 pair
- Old style pistol grip: 1 pair
- Old-fashioned grasping hand type A: 1 pair
- Old-fashioned grasping hand type B: 1 pair
- Old archery hand type: 1 pair
- Worn boots: 1 pair
- Old version of all-inclusive plastic body: 1 pair
Ce produit n'est pas un jouet ou un produit pour enfants. C'est un objet de collection destiné aux adultes uniquement.