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Microsoft Fridge Top 91L Xbox Series X UKONIC 83cm
Microsoft Mini Fridge Xbox Series X. Official product by Ukonic.
Microsoft Mini Fridge Xbox Series X. Official product by Ukonic.
Gamer Aesthetic Matte black unit with internal green light and glowing Xbox sphere logo on front
Massive Internal Inventory Slots 91L capacity includes 2 removable shelves bottom pullout bin 8 beverage cradles 3 door shelves and 11L chiller compartment for keeping things extra frosty
Quietly Cool Chills using R600a for environmentally friendly and energy-efficient cooling at just 41dB
Unboxing Includes refrigerator 120V AC power cord interior components and instructions
Compact Size 33.3" tall x 20.3" wide x 18.9" deep to fit under a desk in a closet or next to the bed or couch