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Back To The Future Time Travel Memories II Expansion Kit
Back To The Future Time Travel Memories II Expansion Kit. Official product by Doctor Collector.
Back To The Future Time Travel Memories II Expansion Kit. Official product by Doctor Collector.
This Kit includes :
1. Radioactive III envelope: Clock tower lightning plan scheme, Hill Valley festival newspaper clipping, George McFly honored newspaper clipping, Used cars Delorean ad, One nuclear bomb sticker, Einstein's metallic dog tag, The Pinheads holographic guitar pick, Copernicus photo, Einstein photo, Welcome to Hill Valley postcard, Phone book sheet with Doc's address, Clock tower photo, Biff Tannen's pleasure paradise pin badge.
2. Dr. E. Brown Enterprises envelope: 1885 Time train machine blueprint, 1985 Delorean blueprint, 2015 Delorean blueprint.