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Star Wars Figure Original Stormtrooper Cosplaying Duck TUBBZ 9cm (First Edition)
Star Wars Figure of Original Stormtrooper Cosplaying Duck, size approx.9cm. Official product by Tubbz.
Star Wars Figure of Original Stormtrooper Cosplaying Duck, size approx.9cm. Official product by Tubbz.
Official Stormtrooper merchandise.
Designed and engineered by Numskull Designs.
TUBBZ – your favourite video game, movie, TV show, and comic book characters come to life as cosplaying ducks.
A ‘First Edition’ TUBBZ. Comes in a collector’s bathtub, featuring Original Stormtrooper logo, ‘First Edition’ printed on base of duck and sticker on packaging.
Premium collectibles – highly detailed features and made from high quality PVC.
Approximately 9cm (3.54”) tall when outside of tub display stand