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Ghostbusters Replica Ecto-1A PLAYMOBIL Version 70170
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GhostbustersReplica of Ecto-1A. Official product by Playmobil.
GhostbustersReplica of Ecto-1A. Official product by Playmobil.
Features :
Ghostbusters play fun: Playmobil Ghostbusters Ecto 1A with 4 characters as well as light and sound effects, ghost trap and equipment
Removable roof, hinged box, 4 Ghostbusters heroes, ghost trap with hologram pyramid, etc. Compatible with the Ghostbusters fire (9219)
Figure set for children aged 6 and over: Ideal for children thanks to the age-appropriate size and pleasant feel with rounded edges
Easy to play with: Instructions for assembly with parents, high quality and robust design, cleaning of the parts (without stickers or electronics) under running water without chemicals
Contents of packaging: 1 Playmobil Ghostbusters Ecto 1A set, 104 pieces with instructions (French not included) 1 Ecto 1A, 4 figures, 99 accessories (supplied without 3 micro 1.5 V batteries)
Material: plastic, L x W x H: 38.5 x 28.4 x 12.5 cm. N° 70170