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Ghostbusters Replica Ghostbusters Headquarters PLAYMOBIL Version 9219
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GhostbustersReplica of Ghostbusters Headquarters. Official product by Playmobil.
GhostbustersReplica of Ghostbusters Headquarters. Official product by Playmobil.
Features :
The sliding garage door can be opened by lifting it
The Ghostbusters Ecto-1 intervention vehicle (ref 9220) parks in the car park inside the headquarters
Ghosts caught by the Ghosbusters heroes can be trapped in the Ghost Containment Unit To place ghosts in the unit, open the red trap door, slide the ghost trap into the slot and close it
Featuring Ray Stantz in a Ghostbusters suit, Egon Spengler in a lab coat, Janine the assistant to scientist Louis Tully and Eleanor Twitty, the library ghost
The characters can be attached and lowered down the fireman's ramp, to get into action as quickly as possible
The Ghostbusters laboratory with equipment is located on the first floor