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Transformers Figure Optimus Prime Auto-Converting Programmable Robot by Robosen 48cm
TransformersPVC Figure of Optimus Prime, size approx.48cm. Official product by Hasbro and Robosen.
TransformersPVC Figure of Optimus Prime, size approx.48cm. Official product by Hasbro and Robosen.
Introducing an industry first Auto-Converting, Interactive, Programmable, Voice Activated, Mobile Controlled - Optimus Prime Robot !
In collaboration with Hasbro - Robosen brings your favorite TRANSFORMERS hero, OptimusPrime, to life with a fully immersive experience through voice activated actions, mobile app controls, and endless hours of creative and fun ways to program Optimus Prime to walk, punch, blast, drive, and convert at the swipe of your finger, or command of your voice! The world has never seen an easier way to convert, and roll out!
Battle Axe and Blaster, as well as: Charging Cable, Instruction Guide & Travel Case
Mobile App - available through Apple App Store & Android App Store - Search: ROBOSEN Optimus Prime
Built in rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery (2000mAh)
At an incredible 48cm tall when in robot mode, the TRANSFORMERS Autobot leader is awe inspiring in size and capability.
Optimus Prime is equipped with 80 sound effects, voiced by the original voice of the Autobot leader, with genuine “converting” sounds, as you watch and interact with Optimus Prime.
Authentic G1 design with detailed emblems, chrome accents and lighting throughout. Built in speakers and 2 microphones bring Optimus Prime to life!
Witness each punch, blast, breathe and conversion, all done with seamless precision, right before your eyes. Enjoy the most amazing TRANSFORMERS experience the industry has ever interacted with.
Optimus Prime is built premium throughout, with the world's most advanced collection of premium materials assembled together with over 5000 components, 60 microchips and 27 servo motors making this a one-of-a-kind, Collector’s experience!
Turn on and ROLL OUT! Optimus Prime speeds away in truck mode via voice or app. You can seamlessly control Optimus Prime in robot or truck mode via voice or mobile app commands.
This product is not a toy or product for children. It is a collectors item intended for adults only.