Facing an army of Uruk-hai warriors many times more numerous than their own meagre force, the Dwarf Gimli and his companions, Legolas the Elf and Aragorn of the Dunedain, were nonetheless unwavering in their bravery.
The stone walls and wooden gate of Helm’s Deep were all that lay between the defenders and ten thousand bloodthirsty Uruk-hai, intent on smashing their way inside, but these would not hold for long. For the Elf and Dwarf, a little competition proved a welcome diversion from contemplating the impossible odds against which they were set. Legolas armed with his knives and bow, and Gimli with his axes, each sought to outdo his friend in the slaying of the innumerable warriors that hurled themselves against the Deep’s defences.
This product is not a toy or product for children. It is a collectors item intended for adults only.